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 n.  1.药,药品,药物,药剂。 2.〔俚语〕麻醉药品,麻醉剂,使人上瘾的毒品 (=narcotic drugs)。 3.〔pl.〕 〔美国〕卫生...  detail>>
of performance
表现的  detail>>
 n.  1.执行,实行,履行;完成;实现;偿还。 2.行为,动作,行动;工作。 3.性能;特性。 4.功绩;成绩。 5.演奏;弹...  detail>>
adjuvant drug and messenger drug
佐使  detail>>
drug abuse and drug trafficking
吸毒贩毒  detail>>
drug drug interaction
药物间相互作用  detail>>
drug sensitivity or drug allergy
对药物过敏  detail>>
drug-drug interaction
药物  detail>>
take drug = do drug
吸毒  detail>>
benefit performance; charity performance
义演  detail>>
performance index performance indicator
绩效指针  detail>>
a curative drug
治疗性药物  detail>>
a drug addict
吸毒成瘾的人  detail>>
a drug for mice
老鼠药  detail>>
a drug on the market
很便宜的 滞销产品  detail>>
a drug trafficker
毒犯  detail>>
a good drug
良药  detail>>